Movies that make you feel!Watched the movie “Luck by Chance” recently and I realized in the generation of fast paced, high-speed, genz language movies with same…Feb 26, 2024Feb 26, 2024
Real life and other applications of Linked lost Data Structure.Linked list real life applications. Apr 29, 2023Apr 29, 2023
Which programming language should you start with and why?You are confused by the plethora of programming languages roaming around you? Every programming language has it’s praises & you are not…Oct 5, 20201Oct 5, 20201
What led me to Smart India Hackathon? SIH — IBeing from a tier-III college of Bihar , my college didn’t have a good enviroment of coding and competitions in a healthy way so there…Sep 2, 2020Sep 2, 2020
ServeSeek — Be a Job Creator Instead of a Job Seeker.Amidst this condition of Global pandemic of Corona virus when the whole planet is on pause. Most of the companies are firing employees or…May 28, 2020May 28, 2020
Winning MIT Covid-19 Hackathon.Imagine a situation with limited internet connection and blinking power supply in a remote village of west champaran , Bihar,India and…May 9, 20201May 9, 20201
Engineering-What it really means?Engineering one of the most securely chosen fields in India, One of the underestimated streams in India. Every other day , I end up…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020