Which programming language should you start with and why?

Muskan Gupta
3 min readOct 5, 2020

You are confused by the plethora of programming languages roaming around you? Every programming language has it’s praises & you are not able to decide which one should you go with? I can feel that and at the end of this blog you will have a clear understanding of which language you should learn for what purpose and why?

Let’s get straight into it!

So let me give you a basic understanding about some popular languages.

Some of the popular programming languages preferred for coding/competitive coding are:

  1. Python- Python is considered to be the easiest language to learn and it takes lowest time to learn or to actually code. You must be wondering why? so what happens is python contains some libraries or functions which are predefined to the compiler which means for a certain piece of code you have to write one to two words which will ensure compiler to do the whole task by understanding it’s meaning from the pre-defined system of the compiler. So you don’t have to learn all those functions and syntax , you just have to import or include them and the compiler will run those functions.

2. C — In almost all the colleges , C is the first language to be taught to students. Basically , before learning the basics principles of programming students are taught syntax of C programming which almost goes out of head of the students. But again you might wonder , why C is chosen as the first language? The reason being C basically gives a programmer huge advantage of how computer program works and how it is interpreted by the machine. C is a minimal language , a few standard keywords and a small set of library functions that means it tells you deeply about those functions and their usability unlike python in which you just use the function and you don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes.So having this language as the first one to learn enables you to dig dip into the actual concept of how the code is compiling and what are the meaning of functions we will be using which makes it easy for you to grasp any other language fast as you can now visualise and clearly understand the functions and the code snippets behind it.

3. C++/Java- Both of them being Object-oriented programming languages which gives you an understanding of how you can code oriented to the real-world objects. You will find various keywords like public/private which allows/denies the access on a certain data by some individuals , classes/objects which identifies as real-world objects and their group and how we can code taking into account their properties.

There are various other languages like Javascript which is currently considered to be the most popular language and has applications in Development of web apps and game development like areas , C# which has applications in game development and other coding fields but me & my friends used to find these four languages more confusing to choose between so i shared about them after i got a hold on them.

Apart from that :

  1. If you are aiming to do competitive coding then you should choose between C++/Java as they don’t have as much libraries/functions as Python so it takes comparatively less time to run and compile and gives you an edge in contests and as the functions you write in python redirects compiler to first access the code snippets behinnd the functions/libraries and then run it due to which it runs comparatively slow.
  1. If you are inclined towards development then you can go with python in which you can later opt for Django framework which is a great area for backend development of web apps , and Javascript which is a language for both backend and front-end development having various frameworks like react.js,vue.js,angular.js e.t.c.

And if you are a person having interest in both CP & Development which most of the programmers do have then you can learn all gradually according to your priority,interest and time.

Happy Coding



Muskan Gupta

Tech-enthusiast | Entreprenuer | Writer | Engineering student |